Auteur: The Economist
Auteur: Tricker, Bob
Editeur: Profile Books
Publication: 2003
ISBN: 978-1-86197-560-7
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Everything you need to know about corporate governance and being a director – most accessibly presented and attractively packaged.

Replacing the long-running pocket series, this new Economist essential A-Z series is launched in Spring 2003 in a strikingly attractive paper back format, with flaps and distinctive red end papers.

Following an introduction on the great shift in attitudes regarding the role of directors as a result of accusations of fat cattery and scandals involving firms like Enron, WorldCom and Andersen, to name but a few, the bulk of the book is a much expanded A-Z with several hundred entries that explain the essentials of corporate governance and the function and responsibilities of directors. Entries include:

Agency theory, Audit Committee, Board structure, Board style , Conformance roles, Core competences, Corporate veil, Cross holding, Crown jewels, Deep pocket syndrome, Descent from Heaven, Directors’ remuneration, Disclosure, Ethics, Fiduciary duty, Games directors play, Helicopter vision, Indemnity insurance, Induction programme, Industry analysis, Inside information, Japanese corporate governance, Keiretsu, Litigation, Log rolling, Mentor, Monitoring management, Non-executive director, Outside director, Performance roles, Poison pill, Policy making, Quorum, Relationship investor, Remuneration committee, Shareholder value, Stakeholder theory, Stewardship theory, Tokenism, Two hat dilemma, Unitary board, Voting rights, War room, Yakusa, and Zaibatsu

Also included as appendices are: Checklists, good practice guidelines and sources of information.

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