How one company changed the way we shop

Auteur: Green, Terry
Editeur: Marshall Cavendish Editions
Publication: 2011
ISBN: 978-981-4302-61-6
e-ISBN: 978-981-4346-14-6
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Ever been stressed by the queue in a fast food restaurant? Or an airline check in? Or had to wait ages in an A&E? When was the last time that you had to queue for something – and enjoyed the experience? In the fast paced wireless and e-enabled world why do we have to wait for service?

This book looks at the soft underbelly of the queue management world. Terry Green, the voice and inventor of “Cashier Number Three Please”, takes us on a fascinating “behind the scenes” tour of how some of the organisations that serve us manage our waiting time whilst others just don’t bother.

Waiting –between the wanting and the getting - touches every aspect of our lives and research has shown that we spend 17% of our lives doing just that. Waiting. The author Terry Green and his company Q-Matic have single-handedly changed that experience (usually for the better!) for consumers. This book also tells the story of Q-Matic and how it emerged to become such a successful and significant player in the consumer world.

"Accessible and engaging business story set in the world of shops and shopping."
"Contains fascinating insights into consumer behaviour and how shops influence that."
"Q-Matic is the world’s leading provider of queuing systems for shops, banks, post offices, and other retailers."
"Terry Green is widely regarded as a “shopping guru”, who has been responsible for revolutionising the way we shop."
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